Some people think that we only see our relatives once every year (or at most twice) on CNY during bai nian and smsed each other less than 10 times per year, there is bound to be some awkwardness/uneasiness in the air. But not for me. I enjoy myself every CNY. It's very warming to see my cousins, my uncles and aunties, knowing that they are doing well in life, spending time chatting, eating goodies, playing poker, blackjack and mj together... even if it's just once in a year. I have visited 11 (or 12?) houses.
Took a photo with YM, Alfred's girlfriend. I like her bohemian style that day. She is 10 years younger than me! So young lor. But it's okay. Everyone has been telling me that I look like 23 years old. Happy :)
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