Letter from SMRT

I received a letter from SMRT.

Wondering what is it?

  • Did I win a free 1 year public transport through a lucky draw?
  • Did anyone spotted me sitting on the floor in the train? (and complain to SMRT)
  • Did anyone spotted me giving up my seat to an elderly? (and compliment me)

I read the letter and I still was puzzled after an hour of thinking/recalling. So I called SMRT.

The customer service staff told me that I've requested for the taxi receipt to be sent to me. According to the receipt, I have dial-ed a cab after midnight (0242 hours to be exact) to some place. The taxi fare is $17.50 and there is even the taxi number plate provided.

It's weird that SMRT knows my name and my address to send this letter to. What's even weirder is they claimed that I am the one who requested for this receipt.

Errr, I don't know what's happening.  

Did I sleepwalk? Have I been mutated?!

This is freakyy.
